24 Content Ideas for Act Email Marketing

24 Content Ideas for Act Email Marketing

Email marketing isn’t spam. When used properly it’s one of the best tools for converting and retaining customers. Act email marketing can be used to improve multiple areas of your business such as customer relationships, sharing product & company news, and abandoned cart rates.

If your email marketing strategy is simply to bombard your database with sales and self-promotion, you’re probably not getting any of these benefits. Read on and download our free ebook for all the tools you need to build a strategy that works for your business.

Building your Act email marketing strategy

An email marketing strategy helps you to create and send emails that achieve your business goals. All too often, businesses shoot from the hip, sending emails reflexively without considering what really resonates with their audience.

A well-thought-out strategy includes content tailored to your audience that reaches them at each stage of their buying journey. Build your strategy by following the steps below

Define your audience

There are over 4 billion email users around the world so you can safely assume your target audience is among those users.

Spend some time thinking about who your audience are and what they care about. You’ll probably find that your audience can be divided into segments or groups with different and specific pain points or interests.

Using this information, you can create email content that addresses each of your segments and provides solutions to their problems.

Plan your email content

Think about your sales cycle and the buying stages your customers go through. There’s a discovery stage where your lead first finds out about your business, a contact stage, a nurturing stage, and finally closing the sale.

A good mixture of promotional, educational, and informative email content will reach your customers wherever they are in your sales cycle. Whether that’s discovering the benefits of your services, or following up with them after a purchase.

Start planning your content with help from our free ebook – it’s packed full of great, actionable ideas.

What are your goals for Act email marketing?

Setting clear goals helps you judge whether your campaigns are working and if you’re getting a good return on investment. The goals for each email will be different depending on the type of content and where the recipient is in your sales funnel.

As with all marketing activities, your goals need to be SMART goals. This means that they are Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-bound.

Choosing the right metrics will help you identify the success of each email. This might include open rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates. Or any metric that is important to your business such as list growth rate (the rate at which your email subscribers are increasing)

Are you ready to work on your Act email marketing strategy? Download our content ideas Ebook and start building your Act! Email campaigns.

Get started with Act! Email Marketing when you download our free content ideas ebook.

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