Act Version 23 -What’s new?
Act CRM version 23 is now available. Released on Friday 5th March 2021 it is packed with performance and usability enhancements.
Act! Marketing Automation Improvements
Act version 23 includes changes to its popular marketing automation tools. These updates are designed to make the tools easier to use and feature rich. In Act! Version 23 you will see
- New preference and unsubscribe features. This means you can offer your subscribers can choose which mailing lists they want to be part of instead of simply unsubscribing or subscribing.
- The new folder and team capabilities also make it easier to keep on top of your marketing campaigns. Easily store and search for email campaigns and templates while working as a team.
- There are also enhancements to existing marketing automation features including search and landing page impressions. As well as a new workflow designer and drag & drop landing page controls.
- Act! E-marketing (the older version of the email marketing capabilities) has also been retired completely with the release of Act! v23
Improved Outlook add-in
Making the Act! CRM Outlook add-in more efficient has been a focus of the developments released with version 23. The following improvements are now available
Activity settings
- UI/ UX improvements for adding a Contact to an Activity
- Timeless checkbox disables Activity start/end fields
- Meeting location visible in Act! when outlook invite accepted
Email History
- Email history no longer records as ‘Call Attempted’ and now accurately displays ‘Email Sent’
- History accurately records for Contacts with custom email fields
UI/UX Improvements
- User icon replaces checkbox when adding a contact to an activity
- Opening an email history with an attachment no longer opens the email in an editable state in Outlook
A complete list of Outlook improvements can be found here.
Word add-in
The add-in feature for Word has also been redesigned for Act! version 23. The changes include
- Improved performance with the utilisation of the Act! API
- Parity of high usage workflows from previous add-in with modernised styling and icons
- Supports 64-but operating systems
Performance and Usability Improvements
Further performance and usability enhancements available in Act! version 23 include
- More than 50 priority defects fixed
- Core functionality improvements
- Improved UI controls
- Translation enhancements
- Swiftpage has been rebranded to Act!
Future Roadmap
Act! will continue to develop and progress with future updates. Planned upgrades include
- Act! 64 bit
- API 64 bit
- Dashboard compatibility
- 2019 SQL server
- Act! installer UX improvements
- Word & Outlook standalone installers
- Continued defect reduction
Have you thought about upgrading your Act software subscription? Contact us to upgrade today by calling 0121 323 2304.